Wednesday 15 March 2017

Three-Dimensional Architecture of the L-Type Calcium Channel: Structural Insights into the CaVα2δ1 Auxiliary Protein

Molecular Biology Journals
L-type calcium channels (LTCC) are responsible for Ca2+ influx into muscle and neurons. These macromolecular complexes minimally comprise the main poreforming CaVα1 and auxiliary subunits CaVβ and CaVα2δ1.

The ultrastructure of the oligomeric LTCC complexes from heart and skeletal muscle has been reported previously at ≈ 20 Å, a resolution that prevent identification of structural domains.

Recent improvements in cryo-electronic microscopy (EM) methods made it possible to obtain a three-dimensional structure of the rabbit skeletal muscle LTCC CaV1.1 complex at a resolution of 4.2 Å and recently at 3.6 Å. This technique requires only nanograms of purified proteins and circumvents crystallization as a means for structure determination.

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