Wednesday, 31 May 2017

The Combination of Amoebiasis with Helminthiasis and Maduromycosis Complicated by Secondary Amyloidosis: A Case Report

A rare case of secondary amyloidosis was found in a cadaver with amoebiasis and intrathoracic complications of amoebic liver abscess related with Helminthiasis and Maduromycosis which proved the peculiarity of Amoebiasis to combine with polyparasitoses, namely Enterobiasis, strongyloidiasis and Wuchereriasis.
Secondary Amyloidosis

The authors confirmed that the progression of secondary amyloidosis, most likely hepatopathic amyloidosis, can be accelerated by longstanding course of advanced, severe underlying illness with the development of amoebic complications, especially combined with Helminthiasis and Mycosis.

Thursday, 25 May 2017

Fibrin: An underrated biopolymer for skin tissue engineering

The ultimate goal in skin tissue regeneration is to develop artificial skin replacements for the restoration of damaged or missing skins in patients as well as to enhance wound healing processes.

biopolymer for skin tissue engineering
Fibrin, a naturally-occurring biopolymer involved in wound healing has seen widespread use in tissue engineering due to its bioactivity, biocompatibility, biodegradability, and facile processability.

However, the versatile biopolymer should be further explored and more specifically for skin tissue engineering strategies due to its remarkable skin repair capacity.

Tuesday, 16 May 2017

Regulatory Mechanisms of Hsp90

Regulatory Mechanisms of Hsp90
The ability of Hsp90 to activate a disparate clientele implicates this chaperone in diverse biological processes. To accommodate such varied roles, Hsp90 requires a variety of regulatory mechanisms that are coordinated in order to modulate its activity appropriately.

Amongst these, the master-regulator heat shock factor 1 (HSF1) is critically important in upregulating Hsp90 during stress, but is also responsible, through interaction with specific transcription factors (such as STAT1 and Strap/p300) for the integration of a variety of biological signals that ultimately modulate Hsp90 expression.

Additionally, transcription factors, such as STAT1, STAT3 (including STAT1-STAT3 oligomers), NF-IL6, and NF-kB, are known to influence Hsp90 expression directly.

Tuesday, 9 May 2017

Endotoxin and Other Microbial Translocation Markers in the Blood: A Clue to Understand Leaky Gut Syndrome

Leaky Gut Syndrome
Gut affects various systems in the human body. The leaky gut hypothesis tells us that gut microbial products cause systemic low-grade inflammation, which enhances the progression of various human diseases.

Microbial translocation attributable to intestinal barrier dysfunction and hyperpermeability have been proven in major human diseases. Among these microbial products, endotoxin/ lipopolysaccharide is most extensively studied in clinical situations.

However, its detection in the blood and its impact in the clinical course still arouse much discussion.

Wednesday, 3 May 2017

FACT Creates a Transiently Accessible Nucleosome Structure Through Integrated Reorganization Mechanism

Nucleosomes act as a barrier in nuclear processes, such as DNA transcription, replication, and repair. Facilitates chromatin transcription (FACT) plays essential roles in nucleosome dynamics during these processes.
Nucleosome Structure

Two different mechanisms so far have been proposed for nucleosome reorganization by FACT. However, these interpretations have left some unsolved problems in terms of FACTmediated eviction and exchange of histones within nucleosome.

Most recently, we have proposed the integrated reorganization mechanism, in which FACT retains nucleosome in transiently loosened structures. This accessible structure allows us to explain most reasonably about how FACT directs further disruption of nucleosome and histone replacement in concert with other factors.