Monday 10 July 2017

A Model for Biological Transport - Flow of Fluid between Dilating and Squeezing Channel

Mohyud-Din et al., studied the laminar flow dynamics of an incompressible viscous fluid inside a semi-infinite rectangular domain; the rectangular confinement is bound by twomobile porous walls that allow the entry or exit of the fluid during successive expansions and contractions.

The authors applied the Variation of Parameters Method (VPM) for tackling the problem; from the results it was clear that VPM can be successfully applied to nonlinear equations. The results from the work bore a remarkable resemblance to the pre-existing numerical solutions. In biological fluid transport, the flow through expanding and contracting porous vessels is a common phenomenon. Its vital importance in many parts of synthetic respiratory systems, artificial circulatory systems and several industrial processes is also an established fact. Therefore, its study has attracted many researchers from all over the world and they have contributed their work in this regard. Read more>>>>>>

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