Wednesday 5 July 2017

A New Strategy and System for the Ex-Vivo Testicle Perfusion and Cryopreservation

Testicular cryopreservation aims at the preservation of fertility in children and prepubertal boys, subjected to gonadotoxic anti-cancer therapy, hematopoieticstem cells transplantation and other reasons of intensive chemotherapy.

Further indications could differ from country to another, based on the available medical regulations. Testicular cryopreservation can be performed using the slow freezing technique, where a programmable controlled temperature change can be applied, or the Vitrification technique, where the testicular tissue is equilibrated with suitable concentrations of cryoprotectants and directly plunged into liquid nitrogen. Recently, the technique of cryopreservation has been tried with animals and humans, applying both slow freezing and Vitrification techniques, with the results of Vitrification are comparable to those of slow freezing. Read more>>>>>

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